Infometrics Community Profiles now available
Update 2024: The Community Profiles have now been replaced by the Census module in the Regional Economic Profile, with much greater functionality.
Infometrics is pleased to announce that our Community Profiles are now available, for every district and region of New Zealand.
The Community Profiles are a tool for visualising demographic data that is freely available in the Census. Infometrics hopes that our decision to provide complimentary Community Profiles will raise awareness of our company’s work in the space of regional economics and demographics, as well as help demonstrate the benefits of investing in user-friendly regional data visualisation systems.
The Community Profiles provide a detailed description of your region’s demographics in an interactive web-based framework. They can help public organisations identify community needs, develop long-term strategic plans, and allocate financial resources to where they are needed most. Businesses can also use the Profiles to help guide decision making processes.
The Community Profiles enable you to view data for your district down to area unit level. You can compare each area unit against other area units, its parent territorial authority or region and the New Zealand total.
You are welcome to place a link on your website to your area’s Community Profile should you wish to direct stakeholders towards this resource.
If you would like further information, please contact us at