Economic webinar - Regional socioeconomic insights
Thu 29 Feb 2024
10:00:00 11:00:00
Infometrics Chief Executive and Principal Economist Brad Olsen, Senior Economist Nick Brunsdon, and Principal Consultant Rob Heyes discuss the latest regional economic trends, coming the same day as the release of our December 2023 Quarterly Economic Monitor. Provincial economies are still feeling the weight of more sluggish primary sector revenue, and spending activity is more restrained as higher interest rates hit. Importantly, migration continues to add to the economy, but unequally. An expansion to our regional reporting saw Brad, Nick, and Rob also introduce some of the new measures of economic and social performance for local areas, what they mean and how they’re tracking – including more housing indicators, the crime rate, and more.
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Event organisers

Chief Executive and Principal Economist
Principal Economist, Lead Demographer, Director
Principal Consultant