From Education to Employment: Megatrends Report
Megatrends affecting NZ’s working environment
From Education to Employment: Megatrends affecting NZ’s working environment is a report that looks at key emerging trends that are likely to affect our working environment over the next 20 years. This report is a must read for strategists, planners, employers, tertiary education organisations and anyone interested in regional economic development.
At Infometrics we recognise the importance of key megatrends for strategists and workforce planners. Our chief forecaster, Gareth Kiernan, has pulled together several megatrends and analysed how these will shape the NZ workforce.
Technological change is ushering us into the biggest transformation of the working environment since the Industrial Revolution. Our modelling estimates that 31% of current jobs in New Zealand’s workforce could be automated over the next 20 years.
Release date: 26 June 2018