Regional Skills Outlook
What is the Regional Skills Outlook?
The Regional Skills Outlook provides an evidence base of past, current and future skill needs across regional industries and occupations. Information on skills needs is coupled with data on the supply of skills from tertiary education, immigration and school leavers to get insights into areas of skills imbalance.
Our skills supply and demand information is at a national, regional and territorial authority level so you can drill down and look at what is happening in your local economy.
Our data is simple to use without compromising on detail. The Regional Skills Outlook is presented in an easy-to-use web-based interactive dashboard. Our data visualisations turn complex data into easily understood information. You don’t need to be a data expert or statistician to use our products.
How can the Regional Skills Outlook be used?
The rigorous, data-driven projections of skill needs and skills supply offered by the Regional Skills Outlook can be used by councils, education providers, economic development agencies, Workforce Development Councils and iwi as an evidence base for regional and sectoral workforce development plans to help answer the following questions.
- Which industries are expected to grow the most in my region in the future and what does this mean for the future demand for skills and qualifications?
- Is the supply of skills from tertiary education and immigration sufficient to meet current and future demand?
- What is the level of school leaver attainment in my region and how many school leavers are progressing to tertiary education?
How do I get access the Regional Skills Outlook?
The Regional Skills Outlook is a subscription product and can be accessed via our online portal. Contact Rob Heyes, one of our economists, by clicking on the link below or calling us on (04) 909 7612 and we will provide you with an annual subscription price. We will set up a user agreement, and quickly provide you with login access to the Regional Skills Outlook. There is no limit to the number of people who can get login access to the Regional Skills Outlook from within your organisation.