Sector Profile
What are Sector Profiles?
Our Sector Profiles provide you with deep evidence-based insights into the sectors of the economy that are important to you.
You can create your own customised sectors or adopt some of our many standard definitions. We have developed a unique method for defining sectors in terms of both industries and occupations. For example, suppose your focus was on Accountancy. We can capture data on people working within accounting-related industries, such as Accounting Services, as well as individuals who are employed in an accountancy occupation in a non-accounting industry (e.g. an accountant employed by a large building company).
Sectors can be defined at a national, regional and territorial authority level, or you can create your own customised regions.
Our Sector Profiles include the following data.
- Historical estimates of annual employment, GDP, business numbers and earnings
- Estimates of employment in the occupations that make up your sector
- Forecasts of future skills demand
- Worker demographics including age, gender, ethnicity, hours worked, country of birth and highest qualification
The Sector Profiles are simple to use without compromising on detail and you don’t need to be a data expert or statistician to use them. The Sector Profiles are presented in an easy-to-use web-based interactive dashboard, with downloadable infographics and summary PDF reports. The data is also available to download.
How can Sector Profiles be used?
The Sector Profiles are used by Tertiary education providers and Workforce Development Councils to:
- Undertake current and future programme development
- Inform engagement with industry and employers
- Support investment planning with TEC
- Perform self-evaluation and External Evaluation and Review (EER)
- Undertake planning and workforce development
Industry associations, businesses and local authorities can use our Sector Profiles to:
- Understand current workforce characteristics
- Undertake planning and workforce development
- Inform members, stakeholders and community groups
- Support advocacy and lobbying
How do I get access to Sector Profiles?
The Sector Profiles are a subscription product and can be accessed via our online portal. Contact Rob Heyes, one of our economists, by clicking on the link below or calling us on (04) 909 7612 and we will provide you with an annual subscription price. We will set up a user agreement, work with you to define your sectors, and quickly provide you with login access to your Sector Profiles. There is no limit to the number of people who can get login access to the Sector Profiles from within your organisation.