Small Area Profiles
Small areas, big insights
Discover the economic and demographic pulse of your local areas—see where they stand today and how they are evolving over time.
Small Area Profiles are useful for policy development, market research, and monitoring progress:
- Local councils: helps with economic spatial plans by informing you of the geographical distribution of economic activity and population
- Businesses: helps understand the local customer base.
Typical questions, the Small Area Profiles can be used to help answer:
- How many people live in and around your central business district, and has the population been growing?
- What is the age profile of the local population?
- What are the largest and fastest growing industries in each part of your city or district?
- How many businesses and employees would potentially be affected by land use changes in an area?
- How many people live or work in the vicinity of a proposed retail development?
- Which towns or suburbs have experienced the fastest population growth?
- How are specific industries distributed throughout the city or district
- What proportion of an area is covered by indigenous bush?
Zoom in on local insights

Small area breakdown
Compare all small areas in your city or district against each other using a wide range of indicators. This enables you to quickly identify the top and bottom performing small areas.
For example: Population for all Statistical area 3’s in Wellington City
Small area breakdowns are available for the following indicators:
- GDP for any ANZSIC Level 1 or NZSIOC Level 3 industry
- Comparative advantage
- Businesses
- Businesses for any ANZSIC Level 1 industry
- Employment
- Employment for any ANZSIC Level 1 industry
- Population
- Landcover

Wide range of small area types
We provide the following area-types out of the box (Refer to Stats NZ geographic hierarchies):
- Statistical area 3
- Statistical area 2
- Urban area
Using any combination of these building blocks, we can work with you to define custom areas which reflect your communities of interest. This could be a central business district, suburb, town, ward, community board or rural catchment.

Zoom-in and launch a profile for any small area
Click any area on the map or table to drill-down to the local area of your choice.
This will open a new profile window for your chosen area and give you a deep insight into the small area’s economy, labour market and population.

Detailed insights into any area - big or small
The small area profiles come with many of the features you are already familiar with in the large area profiles.
Experience it yourself:
Note that not all indicator data is available on a sub territorial authority level but most of them are.
The Small Area Profiles are an add-on module to our Regional Economic Profile. If you don’t have a Regional Economic Profile subscription, you can still subscribe to the Small Area Profiles.
Contact Andrew and he will provide you with an annual subscription price for your organisation: