Does your team require specialist economic and New Zealand industry or sector knowledge? Infometrics has developed web-based reporting tools that provide a comprehensive source of data about your industry or sector. Our economists work closely with government, local authorities, tertiary education organisations, and industry associations to ensure they have the robust information needed to create better policies and business decisions.
Infometrics understands your information needs. We are experts in NZ economic modelling and analysis. We understand that collecting and analysing the data required to really understand the complexities of your sector can be time consuming and sometimes unreliable, leaving you with little time to focus on what you are good at.
The Infometrics Sector Profiles provide you with the tools and data to understand what’s really going on in your sector. The profiles are web-based and updated annually. We use a dynamic and interactive interface that enables users to drill down into our comprehensive databases. This puts a wealth of information on NZ employment trends, occupations, demographics, GDP, business trends and forecasts at your fingertips and enables you to better understand your workforce’s characteristics and those of your wider sector.
Infometrics Sector Profiles have been described as ‘Pure Gold’ by clients. Our web-based Sector Profiles put authoritative, up-to-date data about your industry at your fingertips.
Infometrics offers a range of industry and sector based information to meet clients diverse needs. These include our popular Sector Profiles, which provide the most comprehensive repository of employment, business, and economic data and forecasts for every sector and industry in New Zealand. We also provide industry/sector forecasts, demographic profiles and develop future regional skills profiles at a industry or sectoral level.
Our products are web-based, which means they are both dynamic and interactive. Infometrics can provide you with an authoritative baseline understanding of industries that matter to you, so that your staff have the data to make evidence-based strategic decisions.
Features & benefits
Infometrics Sector Profiles take the presentation of New Zealand industry and sector specific economic and employment data to a new level using a dynamic and interactive web-based interface.
Our unique approach to defining sectors
Infometrics has developed a unique method for defining sectors. We can define sectors in terms of industries and/or occupations. For example, suppose for argument’s sake your focus was on Accountancy. In this instance, we could capture data on people working within accounting-related industries, such as Accounting Services, as well as individuals who are employed in an accountancy role in a non-accounting industry (eg. an accountant employed by a large building company). Once we have defined your sectors, we can then define the geographical coverage of your sector(s). Sectors can be defined at a national, regional and territorial authority level, or using customised regions. This level of flexibility in defining sectors and their geographical coverage sets us apart from other economic consultancies.
Rigorous analysis using robust data
Infometrics are leaders in the generation of industry and regional economic information. Our database brings together numerous sources of information, as well as our own independent industry and regional employment and GDP estimates, into a single database. We draw on this comprehensive resource and present analysis that will complement your own sector insights and help you benchmark yourself across other sectors.
Cost-effective and innovative
Through the innovative use of technology, we speed up the preparation of reports at a very reasonable cost. Leave the data collection to us and let your staff concentrate on strategic issues. Handy infographics that you can automatically generate from our system are perfect for setting the scene at your next meeting.
Our skills and expertise
Infometrics specialises in making datasets and models accessible through interactive web-based profiles. There is however, more to Infometrics than profiles and data. Infometrics has a team with extensive knowledge and expertise in labour market, forecasting, tertiary education, and regional economic development. We are experienced at working with clients to identify needs and tailoring solutions to meet those needs.
How do I use it?
Our Sector Profiles are ideal for better understand your workforce, workforce planning, developing national and regional sector specific strategies and helping to identify current and future skill needs. Our products empower users with the information to focus on the areas that are of interest to them, not us.
Users can define their sectors in terms of detailed industry and/or occupation classifications for the areas (national, regional and territorial authority) that they are interested in. Depending on the subscription level, Sector Profile subscribers can choose to make parts of their profile publicly available as a service to stakeholders. The ability to create customised profiles to fit users actual needs sets us apart from our competitors.
Infometrics Sector Profiles allow users to answer questions about their sector(s) and subsectors. For example, considerable detail can quickly be gleaned on a customised sector, including:
- GDP and employment growth
- The occupational makeup of a sector and how this has changed over time
- Demographic characteristics of workers in a sector
- Business numbers, size and trends
- Detailed forecast employment growth
- Earnings prospects of people in a sector
Our annual industry and Sector Profile products are available on a subscription basis. The products are web-based, meaning that subscribers can gain access wherever they are. Data is dynamic and interactive, with charts and reports available to be downloaded for further analysis. Infometrics staff are available to support clients use our products as well as interpret data and trends.
Who is it for?
Infometrics sector products and services are used by a diverse range of national and regional clients who are looking to better understand their current and future workforce requirements. We take the leg work out of collecting data and formulating base-line understandings of your sector so that analysts in your organisation can focus more time on providing strategic advice on issues that matter.
Our web-based economic visualisation and analysis system is ideally suited to providing a solid evidence base to tertiary education organisations to support programme and qualification development, investment planning, self-evaluation and engaging with employers and community.
Industry associations have found our sector profile products extremely useful in terms of better understanding their current members, helping to identify potential future members and better understanding the workforce that they represent. Industry association members can also benefit by being able to access our profiles via their association.
As our sector profiles are available down to a territorial authority level, enabling regional authorities to use the detailed information to inform the development of regional sector specific strategies.
Our innovative web-based regional economic visualisation and analysis systems have become the benchmark for understanding what makes New Zealand’s sectors and regional economies tick.
Infometrics’ handy infographics and frank seminars can also help set the agenda for your next meeting or workshop. We provide an independent and knowledgeable viewpoint on sectors, nationally and regionally and how they are affected by the macroeconomy.
Customer reviews

The Skills Organisation
“Gareth presented information about our sectors in an enlightening and engaging way. The economic insights were tailored to our industries and helped us shape our strategic and operational plans.”
– The Skills Organisation

BCITO - Building and Construction Industry Training Organisation
“Infometrics do an awesome job for the BCITO, and they are a very important part of our business. We have worked with them for many years and built a strong working relationship with the Infometrics team. Their knowledge, expertise and the way they make data so easily accessible are key reasons why their service works for BCITO.
The Infometrics team have comprehensive knowledge of the construction sector and their building forecasts help us understand the environment in which we operate. Their collaborative approach results in an excellent understanding of construction sector drivers, and provide us with a solid basis for future planning.
One of the things we really love about Infometrics is the informative and topical way information is presented. They take the time to ensure key messages make sense to our wider readership. In addition to written / web material, we incorporate Informetrics into industry and BCITO presentations. These opportunities to interact with the Infometrics team are highly valued with our people taking the opportunity to tap into their considerable economic knowledge.
The Infometrics Sector Profiles are vital for our business and make our lives so much easier. They bring together a vast array of information for each of the 15 construction sectors that we operate in. The Profile Tool is easy to use and we wish they had been developed years ago.”
– Greg Durkin, Group Manager Stakeholder Engagement, BCITO