Infometrics’ construction forecasts have long been the first port of call for decision-makers and analysts with an interest in the outlook for the construction sector. Over the last six months we have been working hard on making our insights more accessible and come to life. Our solution is a suite of new web-based products, which will give you a greater depth of information and a fresh new look. We will be rolling out these products in the new year.
Web-based national forecasts
We have completely revamped the presentation of our national forecasts. From the landing page you will be able to get an overview of the outlook for the construction industry. Without navigating away from the landing page you will be able to drill into each topic, which will give you a deeper understanding of the drivers of both residential and non-residential construction in New Zealand. There will be a data download function which will enable you to download a time series of all the important construction indicators.
Regional forecasts
Our current construction forecasts provide you with some high-level numbers about the outlook for the construction sector in the regions. We have been busy building models which estimate the future population growth of each territorial authority and what this means for the demand for accommodation and other building types. Our regional forecast product will be data rich. You will be able to focus in on a region or district and look at the historical trends of building consents and work put in place by the various types of building. Furthermore, you will be able to look into the future and identify construction growth spots around the country, and define and save customised regions that align with your business areas.. There will be lots of interactivity with the data and dynamic charts and tables.
Infrastructure survey
Our 2015 annual infrastructure survey will also be available through an interactive web-base. This annual survey describes and analyses all large-scale infrastructure projects and spending in New Zealand over the next 1-10 years. It focuses on work not captured in the residential or non-residential construction areas – roading, ports, airports, rail, electricity generation, transmission, and distribution, water supply, storm water, and sewerage. The 2015 survey will include details of infrastructure spending by city and district councils, which will enable us to compare territorial authorities by infrastructure spend.
We will keep you updated as we get closer to launching these new and improved web-based building products later in the year. If you want further information at this stage, please contact Gareth Kiernan (