Media Release: Brad Olsen appointed Chief Executive of Infometrics
Leading New Zealand economist Brad Olsen has been appointed Chief Executive and Principal Economist of Wellington-based economics consultancy Infometrics. He will take up the position in February 2023.
Mr Olsen, currently Principal Economist and Director with Infometrics, is one of New Zealand’s top economic commentators. He joined the company as an economic assistant in 2015 and has since held a range of roles including Economist, Senior Economist and most recently Principal Economist.
The Chief Executive position is a new role at Infometrics. Andrew Whiteford, currently Managing Director at the company, will shift to a new 0.8 FTE role as Chief, Product Innovation. “Brad has made a huge contribution to the growth of Infometrics over recent years,” said Mr Whiteford.
“He has progressed rapidly through the ranks of Infometrics in his seven years of service and has become a trusted advisor on economic matters to senior leaders across New Zealand. He is a sought-after public speaker and a familiar face in the media.
“We have enormous belief in Brad. He combines incisive thinking, strategic nous, wisdom, and powerful communications skills with a deep knowledge of the New Zealand economy.
“He is empathetic and cares deeply about his community and his country and wants all New Zealanders to get the best deal. Brad is a great work mate who commands a lot of respect from his colleagues. We know Brad is on the path to doing great things in New Zealand and Infometrics is privileged to be part of that journey.”
Dr Lynn, Chair of Infometrics, said Mr Olsen has played a pivotal role in strengthening Infometrics’ reputation as a leading economics consultancy. “We are pleased that we can appoint a chief executive from within Infometrics’ own team. The Infometrics Board has the utmost confidence in Brad, who takes the lead of a thriving company and a top-class team.”
She also paid tribute to the contribution of Andrew Whiteford. “Andrew has been an exceptional Managing Director. Infometrics is stronger than it has ever been, and Andrew has been the beating heart of the organisation.
“We’re delighted with Andrew’s continued commitment to Infometrics as both an innovation leader and a company director.”
Mr Olsen said he is excited about the future for Infometrics. “Infometrics is seen as an independent, trusted advisor across New Zealand, and is one of New Zealand’s leading economic institutions. We’re at the forefront of shaping New Zealand’s economic conversations,” says Mr Olsen.
“Our team provides an independent view of the economy and what the future might hold – with a specific focus on local economies – and it’s our goal to communicate economics clearly and simply. I’ll continue to work hard to ensure that people are better informed when they make decisions that affect their future and the future of New Zealand,” says Mr Olsen.
“I’m looking forward to working with the Infometrics team to strengthen connections with our clients and stakeholders across local government, economic development agencies, central government, iwi, and private businesses. We’ll build on our successes in recent years to ensure that we provide the same high-quality service and expand our analysis to match the changing world around us,” says Mr Olsen.
Senior Economist Rob Heyes has been promoted to the role of Principal Consultant at Infometrics. “This promotion recognises Rob’s significant contribution to Infometrics,” says Dr Lynn. “Rob is highly respected by the Board, and we congratulate him on this appointment.”
Shareholders Andrew Whiteford and Gareth Kiernan have expressed their gratitude to the independent directors Dr Lynn and Chris Whelan. “Dr Lynn expertly steers the ship and they both bring a deep knowledge of corporate governance and business success to the board table.”