Rob Heyes
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Rob Heyes
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Fresh Graduates Celebrating in Gym

Every year, some 60,000 young people leave school and make choices about their next steps that are important for the young people themselves, their whānau, and the New Zealand economy. Here we look at the latest data and research on school leaver outcomes... Read

Student in the Library Reading Room Separated by a Glass from the Bookcases

Te Pūkenga recently released an ITP Competition Report under an official information act (OIA) request. The report contains a trove of information and data about Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) operating in each of New Zealand’s regions. I was surprised at the sheer number of TEOs in regions that have relatively small populations, which led me to wonder whether there would be benefits to having fewer TEOs. Read

Japanese Lucky Coin Cat

New Zealanders’ knowledge of Asia is at an all-time high. In Asia New Zealand Foundation's annual New Zealanders' Perceptions of Asia 2024 survey, 59% percent of respondents to the 2024 survey reported knowing ‘at least a fair amount’ about Asia, up from just 33% ten years ago. Here we look at the numbers behind the rising Asian population and workforce in New Zealand. Read

Line of people queueing at an airport

New Zealand has experienced an immigration surge since we reopened our border to international migrants in August 2022. Here we look at how this surge has changed the make-up of workforces across New Zealand’s territorial authorities (TAs). Read


In this article Principal Consultant, Rob Heyes, looks how households have fared with recent cost-of-living pressures. For many households, income growth has kept pace with cost increases. But there’s evidence that increasing numbers of households have been facing economic hardship since the start of the pandemic and are likely to continue to do so for the rest of this year at least. Read

Time Lapse Photography of White Commercial Airplane

The opening of New Zealand’s borders in mid-2022 has led to an unprecedented surge in migrant arrivals. Here we look at which regions have benefitted most from this increase in the migrant labour supply. Read

Black and Gray Laptop Computer Turned on Doing Computer Codes

The Monthly Employment Indicators published by Stats NZ are a valuable addition to the suite of employment measures in New Zealand. This article outlines how Infometrics is utilising this valuable data source to enhance our regional products. Read

Silhouette of Builders

The labour force participation rate is a measure of the adult population’s engagement in the labour market. Here we look at how the participation rate of young men has changed since the 1950's. Read

Selective Focus Photography of Brown Wooden Book Shelf

Domestic student university enrolments are reportedly down 3,000 this year compared with last year. Here, we examine why university enrolments might have fallen and whether they are likely to recover. Read

Industrial Machine Near Crops

Understanding economic diversity in an economy is about analysing the diversity of ways that an economy creates economic output. A common way to do this is to look at the relative size of the industries that make up an economy. Here, we outline a framework for doing so. Read